Elementary School
The carefully themed graphics and signage package, combined with Discovery Elementary School’s net-zero energy design, creates a custom and unique learning environment that promotes environmental stewardship for Arlington County students.
Arlington Public Schools
VMDO Architects
Arlington, VA
Wayfinding, Signage, Environmental Graphics
Holistic Design Approach
Discovery Elementary School utilizes evidence-based research proving that young learners benefit from learning and living in an enriched environment. Collaboration with the architect provided a holistic design approach where every nook and cranny of the school plays a role in the seamless integration between design, sustainability, and learning.
Kid-Centric Wayfinding
The design team created a kid-centric, place-based, wayfinding narrative—“Exploring Your Expanding World”—that went beyond basic navigation in order to support a larger vision of spatial interaction. The wayfinding reinforces the different grade-level environments—with an emphasis on each grade’s identity and expanding curriculum.
Storytelling Narrative
As students progress through the school, their world expands—with the first floor themed around Earth eco-systems and the second floor themed around the sky and beyond.
Building as a Teaching Tool
Integrated into the wayfinding are colors, icons, and educational signage featuring real-world facts related to grade-level theming. These elements collectively transform wayfinding features into creative educational opportunities for students—encouraging environmental stewardship and conservation of the world around them.
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